Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Finals week is in full swing here at HSU, and I thought I would just take a little time to provide a few tips for surviving finals week with most of your sanity. I plan on making this rather short, because to be quite honest, I'm exhausted.

My first tip in preparing for finals week is actually something you should've been doing all along: Keeping up with all of your work. If you find yourself on the brink of finals week realizing you have to cram a whole semesters worth of material into a few days, or even worse, a few hours, then you're going to have a bad time. If this happens to be the case, may whatever you believe in have mercy on your soul.

Me second tip relates to the first one, in the way that it has to do with time management. Never underestimate the time you will need to spend studying, because as most college students know, professors tend to make your final worth more than a normal test, so that means that it is extra important that you do well on it. If you have spare time the week or so before finals arrive, THEN USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. That time spent may be the difference between passing and failing.

The next tip is sleep. I won't go in to too much detail,since you can find out more here, but please, for the love of whatever you believe in, get plenty of sleep. All the studying in the world means jack squat if you don't sleep enough. This is because sleep is the time in which your brain solidifies the information you've gathered during the day and makes you able to recall it later. Sleep is important. Say it with me--"sleep is important". Good. Even if you have to forgo study time to get a good night sleep, then do it. It is far better to have a good grasp of some information than none at all. Lets say it again--"sleep is important".

 I may make this my last tip, or I may go back and add a few more. Like I said, I'm tired, and I'm going to practice what I preach ^. Anyways. So another good thing to remember during finals week is just to try to remain calm. I know sometimes that seems easier said than done (i have 2 class grades teetering on the results of my finals) but you have to do this. Getting all worked up will NOT do you any good. It will stress you out even more, and could even make you perform poorly on your finals. If you need some ways to get rid of excess stress, look here for some helpful tips. a few things I can suggest that are on that list are as follows. Get outside! fresh air will help ease the tension, and help you feel better. Stop smoking! I'm not going to be "that guy" that tells you the dangers of smoking. I've smoked cigarets due to stress, and I know from experience that they DO NOT help. In fact, minutes after smoking, stress levels can go right back to where they were, or even higher! That's a habit you want to avoid at all costs.

I hope that finals go well for all of you out there. Just remember to be prepared, get good sleep., and allow yourself to de-stress throughout the days leading up to your finals. 

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